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Four and More (2015-)

'Four and More' is a section of soundsRite devoted to pieces using multichannel audio (>=4 channels). Nowadays, these can be used across the internet (given a reasonably fast connection), yet few sites contain such multichannel audio: there are still numerous practical difficulties. We launch in 2015 with two works involving Will Luers, austraLYSIS and the editors of the journal; there are some earlier multi-channel works within soundsRite, and these will be linked below. In subsequent years we will be encouraing further contributions to this section and advocating for advances in the browser technologies for multichannel presentation. Feel free to propose such works to us, though note our editorial policy is to invite and select works.

NOTE THAT THIS SECTION IS PARTICULARLY DEPENDENT ON USING SAFARI (and Quicktime) TO PROVIDE MULTICHANNEL OUTPUTS. We try to provide alternative mechanisms, but they often will not work. PLEASE ENSURE YOU USE SAFARI, and have Quicktime on your system, as other browsers may call the Quicktime player when they cannot deal with the files.


New work 2015:

Scaling the Voices by Roger Dean and Hazel Smith : Added 201512.

Hypnagogia : by Will Luers, Roger Dean and austraLYSIS Added 201512.

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