MEZ (Mary-Anne Breeze) is an international net.wurker and avataristic author of the networked  'mezangelle' system. She has exhibited extensively since the early 90s (e.g. in Wollongong World Women Online 1995, CTheory's Digital Dirt, ISEA_97 Chicago, ARS Electronica_97, SIGGRAPH_99&00, _Under_Score_ @ The Brooklyn Academy of Music 01, +playengines+ Melbourne 03, Art of the BioTec Era Adelaide 04, p0es1s Berlin 04 + Arte Nuevo InteractivA '05). Mez is also an online journalist (see Metamute, The Journal of Digital Information, CyberSociology Magazine, fineArt Forum, and Furtherfield Critique 05). She is co-moderator of the _ arc.hive _ experimental mailing list and operates as an occasional curator and lecturer in Net/Codeworking. Her awards include the 2001 VIF Prize by the Humboldt-Universitat, the JavaMuseum Artist Of The Year 2001 and the 2002 Newcastle New Media Poetry Prize . She was also a finalist for the 2001 Electronic Literature Organizations Fiction Award, the 2002 READ_ME Artistic Software Award and the Ngara New Media Poetry Prize 2004 .

Her web page is at

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