Biography - Faceless
Man 1
After a life plagued
by misunderstandings with drug enforcement authorities all over the globe,
Faceless man 1 has finally found fulfillment as a founding director of
Machine CorporationTM. Given that no-one can actually locate Machine CorporationTM,
F1 has the freedom to experiment widely with mood altering environments
beyond the reach of national law enforcement agencies.
Biography - Faceless
Man 2
Before running into
Faceless 1 on the wrong side of a grid of Cuban prison bars, Faceless
2 had spent a relatively quiet existence as a Fortran programmer and,
but for the unfortunate way in which his caliper fetish was revealed,
it is unlikely that he would have amounted to anything much. However during
the year F1 and F2 spent together they pooled their skills to create programmed
environments with mood altering effects. The impressive result is Machine