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Three audiovisual pieces by Daniel Blinkhorn

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… and they threw his singing head into the sea. 2007

Shards of liquid debris collide with mythology as the head of Orpheus, the father of song, is hurled into the water, singing of his forsaken beloved …

The head, at sea level throughout much of the work, surveys the horizontal motion of the water surrounding it. Circling eddies and currents reveal micro-worlds of dense, amorphous material; resonant, hermetic, and fragmented …

Occasional imaginings create a fictitious body, enabling the head to rise out of the water, vertically protruding over the soundscape, glimpsing the horizon, only to be re-immersed as it continues its journey …

Disembodied, torrents of sound guide the head toward it’s eventual resting place, far from Bacchic shores …

The version presented here is an audiovisual, 7 minute detail of a larger (16:47) multichannel/5.1 work for sound alone, written for act 3 of the opera iOrpheus by American Composer William Duckworth and digital media artist Nora Farrell. More information can be found at

in situ bacia. 2008

in situ bacia is a series of six interlinking videophonic miniatures reflecting my impressions of the Amazon Basin through field recordings I made in 2008. Each of the miniatures seek to
convey a sense of multiple, varied sonic episodes couched within a larger framework, as with the individual and unique sound ecologies nestled within the surrounding forest.

Consisting of a hugely diverse sonic palate, the Amazon basin supports around 30 percent of the world's terrestrial species... This can result in an experience of manifold sonic dimension
and expression, not to mention a universe of spectral detail, intrigue and surprise.

The 2nd and the 5th miniatures are presented here:
# 2 - light traces.... mythology reflects off the surface of the river, tracing the suns arc across the sky toward a rain that unceasingly closes each day

# 5 - watershed port episodic fragment of memory...looking back at a riverport surrounded by forest

Notes by Daniel Blinkhorn.

These works contain multichannel audio presented in Quicktime. If you have a multichannel system attached to your computer, check the channels are connected correctly. If not, Quicktime will present you a mixed-down version, according to your set up. NB: these pieces contain high quality video, and even with their fast-start streaming function may take a little time to load, depending on your connection speed.

Daniel Blinkhorn is a composer and digital media artist currently residing in Sydney. His music and audiovisual works have been performed and exhibited at numerous festivals, events
and loci. Daniel has studied at a number of Australian universities and his degrees include a BMus (Hons), MMus, MA (Research) and a Doctorate of Creative Arts. Some of his achievements in 2008 include being winner of the 9th International Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva, Portugal, and winner of the 8th International Competition d'art Radiophonique Pour Sons Fixés et Instrument Luc Ferrari, oranized by the Centre National de Création Musicale, France. His recent activities include a residency at the Mamori Sound Project – in the Amazon, Brazil – for acoustic ecology, creative field recording and sound art; a workshop at Orford Centre des Arts, Quebec, Canada and a commission – Quite Design – for an acousmatic work for release on CD. Daniel and his wife also own and run Red Squirrel, a restaurant in Coogee, Sydney. A more complete list of activities, including examples of work etc can be found at:

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